Mikrovlnný závod 2013: Porovnání verzí

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Ok1mzm (diskuse | příspěvky)
Ok1mzm (diskuse | příspěvky)
Řádek 30: Řádek 30:
Not many OK2M members came, only 5 crazy men fought with unfavourable weather. I would like specially thank to Honza OK1NP for his help. He is crazy about football and the last weekend the showdown took place. Altough he does not like microwaves too much and he loves football to an excessive degree he came to help us on Friday. On Saturday he left for the football match and was back on Sunday morning.
Not many OK2M members came, only 5 crazy men fought with unfavourable weather. I would like specially thank to Honza OK1NP for his help. He is crazy about football and the last weekend the showdown took place. Altough he does not like microwaves too much and he loves football to an excessive degree he came to help us on Friday. On Saturday he left for the football match and was back on Sunday morning.

Lada OK1USW worked hard on the 23cm equipment between March and June contest. He removed nunsuitable Motorola driver by a better one. Zdenek OK3RM made LNA with ATF transistor for the second antenna system. Some next changes in RX of the second antenna system take place. Thank you guys for your technical support!
Lada OK1USW worked hard on the 23cm equipment between March and June contest. He removed unsuitable Motorola driver by a better one. Zdenek OK3RM made LNA with ATF transistor for the second antenna system. Some next changes in RX of the second antenna system took place. Thank you guys for your technical support!

It could be boring to write about preparation of all equipment in crazy weather. Thus I will start to describe operation on 23cm.
It could be boring to write about preparation of all equipment in crazy weather. Thus I will start to describe operation on 23cm.

Aktuální verze z 4. 6. 2013, 20:37

Microwave contest

Call: OK2M
Date: 1.6.2013

Band 1,3 GHz

1,3 GHz
QSOs: 114
Points: 36000
WWLs: 47
DXCCs: 13
AVG: 316 pts/qso

The last contest is gone. It was a fight with nature. There were endless rain in the west Bohemia whole weekend. Clouds were everywhere – over us, below us and around us as well. And also, wind was blowing during whole contest.

Not many OK2M members came, only 5 crazy men fought with unfavourable weather. I would like specially thank to Honza OK1NP for his help. He is crazy about football and the last weekend the showdown took place. Altough he does not like microwaves too much and he loves football to an excessive degree he came to help us on Friday. On Saturday he left for the football match and was back on Sunday morning.

Lada OK1USW worked hard on the 23cm equipment between March and June contest. He removed unsuitable Motorola driver by a better one. Zdenek OK3RM made LNA with ATF transistor for the second antenna system. Some next changes in RX of the second antenna system took place. Thank you guys for your technical support!

It could be boring to write about preparation of all equipment in crazy weather. Thus I will start to describe operation on 23cm.

Beginning of the contest was great. We completed 17 QSOs during the first hour and 4560 points. We worked more than 3 kpoints every hour till 20 UTC. And also, we had more points in comparision with the March contest till 21 UTC (24 kpoints). Afterthen, it was terrible. Not many workable stations remained in ON4KST chat and no station answered to our CQ. Between 23 and 24 UTC we did just 438 points. That´s why I went to bed. Sunday was a hard time. Not many stations were answering to our CQ and there were nobody new on ON4KST. You can see the chart.

Comparision of score in June and March contest

The last QSO was done at 12:45. There were nobody for next QSO endeed :-(.

It was terrible to complete some QSOs with stations which we usually can work with. I do not know for sure why. Bad weather could be cause of this. Who knows.

Our QTH has VERY bad take-off between 30 – 85 degrees becuase of high mountains (200m elevation difference in distance of 5 km). It is direction to SP and great part of OK. We are very happy if we can work SP and OK stations. We worked following 4 SP stations over the mountains: SP6ITF-284km, SP9KJU-415 km, SP1JNY-439km, SP7VVB-471km. Thank you guys for your patience!

After many skeds we finaly complete QSO with Ivan YU1LA (741 km). Thank you Ivan for your great cooperation and ODX.

Usually it is very easy to work with Torben OZ3ZW (600 km), but this contest it was very difficult to finish our QSO.

I am not satisfied too much with our final score 114 QSO and 36.000 points. But, Dan OK1XDF said me something like „don´t worry, our antennas were under ´surface of water´, don´t compare with score of stations which were antennas over“ :-). He is right that water were everywhere during whole contest. Thus I will try not to have a sombre face any more :-). I hope our score will be much better in July contest.

73! Milos OK1MZM

Top 10 calls
Call QRB Operator Mode
YU1LA 740 km OK1MZM CW
IQ1KW 734 km OK1MZM CW
DC6UW 600 km OK1MZM CW
OZ3ZW 599 km OK1MZM CW
HA8V 596 km OK1MZM CW
9A2SB 577 km OK1MZM CW
DK5WO 562 km OK1MZM CW
DK2MN 546 km OK1MZM CW
Top 10 WWLs
WWL Points QSOs
JO31 2066 4
JN99 2024 6
JO50 1833 9
JN39 1459 3
JN97 1355 3
JN89 1337 6
JO52 1193 3
JN49 1163 3
JN86 1130 3
JN76 1115 3

OK2M Microwave contest 1,3 GHz

OK2M Microwave contest 1,3 GHz

Band 5,7 GHz

5,7 GHz
QSOs: 14
Points: 3000
WWLs: 10
DXCCs: 5
AVG: 220 pts/qso

Top 10 calls
Call QRB Operator Mode
S51ZO 368 km OK1XDF CW
OL9W 324 km OK1XDF CW
OK2C 313 km OK1XDF CW
DF0YY 298 km OK1XDF CW
DL9GK 173 km OK1XDF CW
OK5Z 169 km OK1XDF CW
Top 10 WWLs
WWL Points QSOs
JN99 639 2
JO50 581 3
JN86 369 1
JO62 299 1
JO80 235 1
JN88 227 1
JO60 221 2
JO61 211 1
JN89 170 1
JN78 133 1

OK2M Microwave contest 5,7 GHz

OK2M Microwave contest 5,7 GHz

Band 10 GHz

10 GHz
QSOs: 41
Points: 9100
WWLs: 17
DXCCs: 7
AVG: 224 pts/qso

Top 10 calls
Call QRB Operator Mode
9A1CMS 388 km OK1XDF CW
OM6A 371 km OK1XDF CW
S51ZO 368 km OK1XDF CW
OL7Q 342 km OK1XDF CW
OM3W 326 km OK1XDF CW
OL9W 324 km OK1XDF CW
DK5AI 318 km OK1XDF CW
OK2C 313 km OK1XDF CW
DF0YY 298 km OK1XDF CW
Top 10 WWLs
WWL Points QSOs
JN99 2020 6
JO50 1086 6
JN88 1005 4
JN86 758 2
JO61 635 3
JO60 527 4
JN77 452 2
JN58 443 2
JN89 357 2
JO51 319 1

OK2M Microwave contest 10 GHz

OK2M Microwave contest 10 GHz

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